Thank you, Postcode Lottery players!
A huge "thank you” to players of the People's Postcode Lottery from all of us at Play Learning Life, as we reach the end of our project...

Outdoor overhaul - progress!
Find out what we're up to at Oliver Thomas Nursery School - outdoor learning and play are on the agenda!

Are you the Mad March Teacher?
Making the most of any last minute end-of-year budget underspends (ha!).

How carpet-slippers can improve risk-taking...
Could footwear transform outdoor play in our early years settings? Lessons from Japanese kindergartens.

Outdoor learning: new year's resolutions
Ideas for kick starting improvements to outdoor learning and play spaces.

STEM Outdoors: action research CPD for KS1+2
Our new action research style CPD course brings you our most effective, tried and tested ideas to take STEM learning outdoors. The...

PLL heads to Yokohama
EDIT: this blog is being updated daily whilst we are in Japan. Scroll to the bottom for the latest post. PLL Jules and Mary (who is...

Outdoor play, learning and development - DVD box set training programme
For young children, movement and physical development is an intrinsic part of their learning experience. It is closely linked to their...

Sherman School: rural California in the city…
I was lucky enough to visit Sherman School in September 2011 as part of the International Green Schoolyards Conference. Here, I report...

The Hanging Gardens of Alice Fong Yu
One of the schoolyards I was most impressed by on the International Green Schoolyards Conference tours was at Alice Fong Yu, America’s...